Monday, November 17, 2008

My things that are breaking

This weekend we lost both the dryer and the water heater. So that means nothing can get clean around here.

Never buy a Whirlpool Flame guard water heater. We are replacing the ignition element about ever 4 months at $22 a pop and the water heater is only 4 years old. We signed up to be part of the class action law suit against them and got a new heating unit assembly which was supposed to fix the problem and extend the life of the ingintion element. We put the new unit in and about 4 months later the thing breaks again. We are now to the point that we always have one on hand for times like this. We are ready to pitch this water heater and get a new one because of the agrivation. So Saturday after noon when the shower wouldn't heat up and I had been washing dishes with cold water I had chris look at the pilot light. It was out and would not re-light - so 1/2 and hour later he had the coil changed. Which made us late for an evening out with some friends.

As for the dryer the ingnition coil broke - burned clean thru so now its in 2 pieces. We bought the dryer used for $50 and its probably about 4 - 5 years old and I know the ignition coils don't last for ever due to the heat. Only problem is no one in town (who is reasonably close) has one so I'm going to need to order that online - should be here in a couple days. So no clean clothes until then unless I want to drag everything to the laundrymat (Chris might have to break down and do that as he is running out of work clothes).

So who else has had something break recently besides Zoe and I?

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