This is part of what we have been working on this last week - getting the pantry completely in so it can be used.
The shell was installed a couple weeks ago and I thought great - I can start loading it. But due to the way the wheels were made, the weight of the food on them caused them to sag and rub thus being very very difficult to turn. So major re-construction needed to be done. We ended up using plate aluminum to support the shelves and a bit of creative construction and the lazy susans are back together, the doors are on and its loaded with food. Which means I can see the top of my dining room table again and most of the floor!!
There are still some things sitting on the floor that either have not found a new home or that need to go away (how many bread makers do we need??)
Because I now had a free shelf guess what got to come home from storage? My Grandma Seter's China. The box was packed in mid May of 1997, was opened once when I moved into the Lombard apartement and then has not been seen since.

I knew it had a silver rim but I could have sworn it was a blue patern - but thats okay - I really like it and Chris thinks its beautiful and is amazed no one else wanted it when we boxed it up.
The only casualty - 1 dinner plate cracked in half that was in the middle of the box. Other than that its all in 1 piece. So I officially have a setting for 11 now with some pieces that go to 16. Its got dinner plates, salad plates, bread plates and saucers for tiny tea cups (I have 16 of those). Large soup type bowls and then smaller bowls. A creamer and sugar holder, a gravey boat. A really large plater, a slightly smaller plater and 2 serving bowls.
I'm going to do a little bit of web surfing and see if I can find replacements for the missing pieces. I heard of a place a couple years ago (hope its still there) that collects odd pieces and china collections and you can search their inventory to replace pieces you have missing. If I find it I'll let everyone know about it (Good way to get rid of china you don't want or have too much of)