Sunday, May 25, 2008

How does your garden grow

Look what is growing in my yard. This is a bed of Oriental Poppies.

Last year I had this weird plant growing that had what looked like a flower head on it. Well instead of letting Chris cut it down I let it flower so I could figure out if it was a weed or not.

This year that one flower has turned into a whole bunch of flowers. Aren't they pretty.

Only problem is they are in the way of where we are going to move the driveway to (along with my lilac tree and peonies which are getting moved as soon as I get their new home ready). So once they are done flowering they are getting cut down so gravel can go in.

I am going to make sure to save seeds and try to get the bed established on the other side of the house where the new flower garden is going to be.

Well depending on how you look at it they could be weeds.....

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