Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My poor car part 2

I knew this was going to be a money year on the car (what do you expect when its 9 years old) but this is getting ridiculous.

One of the tires randomly goes flat. Fill it up, it lasts about 2 weeks just sitting in the driveway. Move it around and its flat the next day (really slow leak).

So Chris pulled it off tonight to find the leak and potentially take it in to be fixed. Turns out its not the tire but the rim has rusted out on the inside. And the spare does not look much better. We ended up putting the spare one since we sort of need to use it this weekend and I didn't want to be the only house in the neighborhood with a car up on blocks.

So now we are off next week to find all new rims for the car. And we still haven't done the major tune up it needs (plugs and wires) nor put on the new exhaust (its really loud right now).

Boy do i have a ghetto car going. Just need to add a primered door or hood and it will fit right in.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I have Air!!!

We got a new furnace and air conditioning unit about 2 weeks ago now and finally for the first time turned it on. I really don't know how I've lived with out for so long. If you didn't know the story the A-coil in the old furnace was installed wrong and was not draining right. Thus when we started the work on the house the furnace was on the verge of falling thru to the crawl space because the condensation had rotten out the floor. Well the A-coil got damaged upon removal and with as old as the furnace was we couldn't find a replacement so we have been with out air for awhile now.

We were going to replace the whole thing eventually but with gas prices going up now was as good a time as any - its alot smaller and more efficient so I should have a lower gas bill - and I have air now.

Its in the 80's today with really high humidity - its supposed to storm and it would really cool things off if it did but so far not a drop of water has fallen from the sky. So the air is on. I keep it set around 77 when at home and 80 when not and use the ceiling fans to make it feel cooler than that. And that is only when its going to be really humid outside. Which is why this is the first time we have had it on - its been too cool.

Normally I have a cat that is listless and lying on the floor all hot and complaining but today with the air on she has parked her butt on my lap top computer - while the lid was open - thus creating all sort of havoc that I had to shut it down. Stupid Cat.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I really hate to complain but....

Why do people have family reunions in hospitals?

We are sitting in the ICU and there must be this family of about 15 that have descended on the waiting room today including 4 or 5 children that are running loose. This is on top of the 4 or 5 familys that have been living here the last couple of days. So you have some people that have been living here and are trying to sleep when they can and then what sounds like a family reunion going on complete with fried chicken with no consideration with what the others in the arear are trying to do.

Most of the large family have finally left since we have most of the chairs and won't let them turn up the TV any louder. But now they are sitting in the hallway by the elevator and are still just as noisy.

But still people its the ICU - only a couple people can visit at one point in time. I know you all want to see the person but can't you spread out your visiting time over the day - or go sit downstairs where it is a much bigger area to chit chat and eat your chicken. Or go all hang out at the closest persons house and eat your fried chicken.

Needed to vent here about people. As Christopher likes to say "You Can't Fix Stupid"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fun in the Hospital

I have never really liked hospitals. Ever since spending many years in the hospital over holidays with my dad or Grandma Seter I've come to have an adversion to the place.

But I will have to say I've never been in the intensive care unit before. It is definetly different. The waiting room is nice and they have free coffee and hot chocolate all day. If you can get the good chairs they are really comfy. But other than that it is not a place I would want to spend alot of time.

You get kicked out of the paitents room often but you can spend time there when they are not doing things. But they don't have a chair to sit in as they don't want you really to linger and you do get tired of standing.

It is interesting to watch all the monitors and things that beep - they seem to have a different monitor for different things - now why can't they put that all on one machine?? They all take up so much space and all make different noises and when they start going off its like the 4th of July with all the lights and noises. We are getting good at medical terms thou. But don't ask me as I won't remember them for long.

Not fun places to be.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Looking for the Culprit

Okay - I want to know who left my sock drawer in this condition...... I know it wasn't me as the socks I wore yesterday I did not get out of the sock drawer (they were in the pile off the top of the dresser), and I can't tell you when I wore socks before that.

I also know that when I got up this morning it was not in this condition. But when I come home from an early morning trip to the grocery store this is what I find.

Right now its either Chris or the cat - and i'm leaning towards the cat. What is her fascination with my sock drawer!!! Any time I leave it open like this she has to "nest" in it. But I never catch her actually in the drawer. I'm going to have to see if maybe she is burying her mice in there as I can't find half of them again.

Sort of reminds me of Stormy living in Quay's under-ware drawer - you could close the drawer on her because she wouldn't get out.